
We aim to create a positive and respectful learning community of the highest quality, where children are celebrated, inspired, nurtured, supported, empowered and challenged by passionate educators so that each child can make progress and develop to their full potential. We aim to work in partnerships with families to create a social environment which fosters a sense of belonging to our preschool community and promotes the wellbeing of each child.

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child underpins our preschool philosophy. Here is a link to a child friendly version


We promote the participation of all children in the preschool program including children with language and communication difficulties, children from Aboriginal or Torres Strait Island backgrounds, children with diagnosed disabilities, children with English as a second language, children in foster care, at risk and vulnerable children and children with medical and health conditions. Inclusion is a core value of our philosophy and our passionate educators actively work to reduce barriers and implement supports so that all children can meaningfully participate and make progress in their learning. We work with local early intervention and allied health services and develop Individual Education Plans for children with additional needs. We are funded by the Department of Education under the Disability Inclusion Program to meet the needs of individual children.

The Management Committee

The Management Committee is the approved provider registered with the Early Childhood Education Directorate of the Department of Education. Management responsibilities include developing and passing an annual budget, staffing, maintenance, funding, WHS obligations, policy development and fundraising. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is held in early March of each year to elect the management committee. These elections are for executive positions as well as committee members. The management meets monthly and everyone is welcomed to be involved.